Time for evangelism
The 17th to the 21st of May, P. Juha and Tuikku Haatanen will visit us from Helsinki, Finland, for evangelism and fellowship around the Word of God. As His Body on earth, we have been told to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). During this time you have an opportunity to be in all these places. This is what the program looks like.
Wednesday the 17th. = Meeting at Tolls. P. Juha will preach and talk about his trip to Pakistan (the ends of the earth).
Thursday the 18th = Departing to Riga, the capital of Latvia.
Friday the 19th = In Riga for evangelism (our Samaria)
Saturday the 20th = We arrive in Stockholm and travel to Uppsala for more soul winning (our Judea).
Sunday the 21st = Meeting at Pumpan at 10.30. P. Juha will preach and in the afternoon, we will evangelize in Stockholm (our Jerusalem).